RNIB desperately needs Sooty Box Collectors in Greater Manchester

Could you or someone you know be an invaluable help to the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) by emptying or finding a new home for our lonely Sooty collection boxes?

RNIB urgently need volunteers across Manchester to help raise funds to provide vital services to blind and partially sighted people. Your spare time could open doors for people with sight loss.

Often the perception of a national charity is that they only help people “somewhere else”, but in reality, blind and partially sighted people all over the UK turn to RNIB for help every day. It is estimated that a staggering 208,000 people in the North West are living with sight loss (9,500 live in Manchester).

If you gave just two spare hours you could empty four Sooty boxes: this income would pay for a child with sight loss to spend a day at a vacation scheme, trying new activities and making new friends. Giving eight hours could empty twelve boxes which would help RNIB to identify the right equipment and support for a blind or partially sighted child to get the most out of their schooling.

The role is totally flexible. You can empty existing boxes when it suits you and bank the income, or find new homes for Sooty, such as newsagents, chip shops, pubs and clubs - the choice is yours.

It is a fun and rewarding way to make use of your spare time. Some collectors are responsible for hundreds of boxes which they ‘sweep’ whilst they go about their usual business, helping to raise vital funds by occasionally taking an extra few minutes when they pop to the shops.

D-Day veteran Harold Addie has been placing boxes for RNIB for many years and thrives in the role. Harold, aged 88, is currently placing new Sooty boxes across Manchester in the hope that new volunteers will be able to take over ready-made collection ‘rounds’. RNIB try to help new volunteers develop their own ‘patches’ as much as possible and amazing volunteers like Harold are there to help.

You could make a real difference in your community, by ensuring money donated by the public into our boxes is collected regularly. The sooner donations are made available for the benefit of blind and partially sighted people the more efficient we can be in delivering our services.

RNIB also need local Store Collectors to carry out bucket collections at supermarkets, shopping centres and fundraising events throughout the year.

Volunteers must be aged 18 or over to do any of these roles due to insurance purposes. Travel costs and out-of-pocket expenses are reimbursed, and all materials needed for the role and full training are provided.

For further information, contact Neil Grainey, on 0161 707 8910, or email: [email protected].
