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Road Safety Trust Main Grants programme

14 Sep 2022 - 09:44 by michelle.foster

The Road Safety Trust is now offering grants of £25,000 to £300,000 for vital research and practical interventions into new approaches to road safety under its Main Grants programme. Funding is fundingavailable from the Road Safety Trust to support projects and research aimed at making roads across the UK safer for all road users.

The 2022 Theme is Fitness to Drive, focusing on applications which relate to the following:

  • Diabetes
  • Dementia
  • Sleep and fatigue
  • Illegal and prescription drug use

UK-based organisations, public and professional associations, registered charities, and university departments may apply.

Examples of eligible costs for all projects include staffing, consumables, travel and some equipment costs.

Apply to the Road Safety Trust Main Grants programme

Deadline: 19 October 2022, 5pm

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