The Shaw Centre create book for disability awareness week

A group of adults who attend The Shaw Centre which is a service for adults with learning disabilities based in Cheetham Hill, have with help from Noel Fagan and Chellie Carroll have written and illustrated 4 short children’s stories.

Initially the plan was to simply set up a creative writing group giving the group a chance to express themselves using their imaginations and words. Noel would help them formulate the sentences from their ideas and descriptions and Chellie would guide them through the illustration process.

The stories they wrote are a mixture of originals and a play on a well-known children’s story. “The Unicorn in the garden” is true happy ending fairy story; the idea and characters come from Althea and Laura’s imagination. The illustrations were skilfully drawn by Tom, Laura and Laura “Paul’s Story” is by Paul, it his take on a trip to Blackpool. The words were brought to life by Christine and Martin.

“The Zombies of Colliers Island” was collaboration between Martin and William, both who enjoy watching films. The illustrations were done by Martin, Brian, Laura and Althea. “Pinocchio” was Christine’s follow up from the Pinocchio story we all know and love. She also illustrated it.

The final result excelled expectations and a decision was taken to self-publish the book. The aim of the book is not to make money but to raise awareness of what can be achieved by people who have limited, if any literacy skills, in this instance the people The Shaw Centre supports, Adults with Learning Disabilities.

Learning disability week runs from 17 June – 23 June 2019, The Shaw Centre are planning a small book launch at the centre to coincide with this week celebrate the groups achievement and show everyone what can be realised with a little extra help and imagination.

The Shaw Centre is a registered charity and has a day service called The Shaw Centre day service.

The Shaw Centre day service which was founded approx 30 years ago was until July 2011 known as Landridge House. The Shaw Centre day service is a small service providing day care for up to 111 Adults with Learning Disabilities (18 – 65yrs).

The service was initially set up by a group of parents who were not happy with the service then provided for Adults with Learning Disabilities.

It grew from being staffed purely by volunteers relying on donations to what we are today, a service purchased by social services* employing 6 people.

The project is block purchased by Adult Social Care; this means all people are referred to us by the Community Learning Disability Team. The Shaw Centre is open 5 days a week and are based in the Redbank House in Cheetham.

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