Skills and Opportunities Fund

NatWest's Skills and Opportunities Fund has committed £2.5m to fund projects in charities, social enterprises, community groups, state-funded schools and colleges across the UK and Ireland. The focus for this funding is to support organisations that help people in disadvantaged communities develop, create or access the skills and opportunities they need to help themselves; skills that will enable them to get into work or start a business, now or in the future. NatWest believe that helping people gain such skills and access opportunities to learn can help turn their lives around and build better communities for everyone.

For this round the North Board are focussing on two specific areas of activity:
• projects that help people investigate self-employment and start their own business
• projects that aim to improve the financial education of disadvantaged people to help them manage their personal finances more effectively

Applications for the Skills and Opportunities Fund will open on 1 February at noon and close on 19 February 2016 at 12noon.

For further information and to apply, visit: