Small Charity Week Match Fund - For one day only - doubling donations by up to £25

Starting at 10am on Thursday 22 June, Localgiving will be doubling one-time donations to local charities pound-for-pound by up to £25. The campaign will take place on Fundraising Day as part of Small Charity Week 2017, launching at 10:00 and running until the fund runs out, or 23:59 - whichever comes first. Small Charity Week - Fundraising Day

Small Charity Week celebrates and raises awareness of the essential work of the UK’s small charity sector - of the invaluable contribution that these groups make to the lives of millions of individuals, communities and causes across the UK and the rest of the world.

The Small Charity Week match fund has been kindly funded by the FSI and a private philanthropist.

Key Facts
Start date and time: 10am on Thursday 22 June 2017. Please note that donations made before 10am will not be matched
End date and time: 23:59:59 on Thursday 22 June 2017
Matching conditions: One-time donations made to a charity via Localgiving during the campaign will be matched pound-for-pound by up to £25
Donations that will not be matched: Donations outside of the supporter and charity limits detailed below will not be matched through this campaign. Please note that we cannot guarantee the length of the campaign and donations will only be matched whilst match funding is available
Supporter limits: Each supporter may claim up to £25 of match funding via one-time donations per charity they choose to support. This can be via one donation of £25 or more, or several smaller donations that add up to £25 in total. Every supporter may support as many charities as they wish and have their donation(s) matched in accordance with these conditions whilst match funding is available. Please see our FAQs for more information
Charity limits: Each charity may receive up to a maximum of £250 of match funding through the campaign
Match fund size: The match fund currently stands at £15,000

For further information and to take part, visit: