The Social Enterprise Support Fund

social enterprise support fundThe Social Enterprise Support Fund provides grants to support social enterprises during COVID-19. It is delivered by five social enterprise support agencies, and made possible thanks to The National Lottery Community Fund.

To be eligible for this funding, your social enterprise must meet the following criteria:

  • In England; your beneficiaries are mostly in England
  • An incorporated social purpose organisation, with an asset lock
  • Incorporated at least a year ago (i.e. registered with Companies House, the FCA or the Charity Commission)
  • Annual income between £25,000 and £1.5 million before COVID-19
  • Was financially stable before COVID-19
  • Substantially reliant on trading income (e.g. sales and delivery of contracts) to deliver social impact

In addition, you must be able to demonstrate your social enterprise is working in one of the following priority areas:
1) Social enterprises supporting people who are at high risk from COVID-19 – specifically social enterprises that:

  • Connect with older people
  • Connect with disabled people
  • Provide advice and support to people who are pushed into crisis
  • Provide support to those in medical care or end of life care

2) Social enterprise supporting people most likely to face increased demand and challenges as a result of the COVID-19 crisis – specifically social enterprises that:

  • Provide essential items directly to families who are hit hardest
  • Support BAME and other communities who experience health inequalities
  • Support people who experience loneliness and social isolation
  • Support people who experience poor mental health
  • Support children and young people to achieve their potential

You can apply for grants of between £10,000 and £300,000 that must be spent within six months.

The funding can be used for two types of support:
Funding for activities supporting people and communities affected by COVID-19; and/or
Helping organisations overcome any acute financial difficulties they are facing as result of the crisis.

For more information and to apply click here or email: [email protected]

Deadline: 20 July 2020, 1pm