Spirit of Manchester Story - I’ve learnt a lot I didn’t know before

The Gaddum Centre is one of Manchester’s oldest charities that offers services to carers including advocacy, support and therapy. On 26th September, one of their services included a two hour healthy eating workshop for carers ran at Openshaw Resource Centre. The workshop was attended by seven carers and facilitated by a registered nutritionist.

Paul Wooley, the Coordinator of the Manchester Carers Network, was also in attendance, and said that the workshop was part of a wider three year programme of training for carers. The topics and themes of the workshops are led by what the carers want, and in the past have included sessions in Moving and Handling, Mindfulness, Legal Rights and Healthy Cooking.

Paul shared that the sessions always receive positive feedback. From this particular session, one participant said it was “very informative” and another said “I’ve learnt a lot about dietary advice that I didn’t know before”.

One participant highlighted the importance of these sessions for carers, saying “I care for a family member with diabetes, and I came today thinking that I already knew a lot. I went away knowing much more, as well as with some really useful tips and advice”.

Whilst the skills and knowledge gained from the workshops are invaluable, there is also a crucial social element that brings carers together and encourages them share their own experiences, tips and insights as part of a peer network.

At the time of the interview, Paul mused that “The workshop ended 20 minutes ago, but people are still here talking and networking”.