Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2020 - Exploring from home

20 March was our last day in the Macc office. 

A set of Community Explorer meetings had already been arranged (North, Central and South) in partnership with Manchester Health & Care Commissioning (MHCC) at community venues. Community Explorers is a partnership between MHCC and Macc, and aims to bring together anyone with an interest in health and wellbeing from across the voluntary, community and social enterprise sector to influence, connect, share knowledge and build relationships.

Danielle Conway, who co-ordinates Community Explorers at Macc, explains that, "Community Explorers meetings immediately shifted to Zoom and in those very first days I think it is safe to say we had no idea if anyone would turn up or if meeting online would be as useful as when we got together over a brew in community venues across the city."

However, people did turn up and did find it useful. The meetings met certain purposes in the early stages of lockdown: sharing of information on changes to services and new contact details but more than that, they were a way of connecting with others when there wasn't a physical way of doing it. People shared their cake baking ideas, exercise regimes and pets online. Community Explorers meetings were held every two weeks but half of these were check in meetings - make a brew, have a chat, support each other and find out what was happening across the city. They also helped to make sure that services and information were available to everyone.

It was amazing how quickly organisations adapted and the positive stories people shared helped to balance the difficulties everyone was facing.

Danielle adds, "I am delighted that the meetings have been well attended and that we have had a new faces at every meeting. It appears that creating a space for information sharing, connection and developing relationships with our colleagues from other sectors is more important than ever before. So, I'd just like to say a massive thank you to all of the participants of our North, Central and South Community Explorers meetings. You have been our eyes and ears throughout the lockdown and beyond. The information you have given us about the barriers your organisations and beneficiaries have been facing has informed Macc's webinar programme and our Covid-19 Impact Assessment work.

It has been brilliant to see groups sharing plans, risk assessments and tips on how to move services and activities online. We have also seen people offer their time and skills to volunteer for other groups and organisations that are in their local area. Most importantly, you have offered each other (and me) some much needed love and peer support in truly testing times.

For that, I am eternally grateful. I shall sign off with my favourite Zoom saying - 'I'm sorry I think you're on mute'"

To come along to Community Explorers, please email Danielle at [email protected] for more information.