Spirit of Manchester Story Week 2020 - "We provide a safe space"

"It is a safe space for people to let emotions out and process them in a calm, quiet way"

Juanita, Director of The Resonance Centre in Clayton, Manchester has just led a Yin Yoga session for 13 people on zoom. She had the the idea to set up a centre in 2016 to provide yoga and other activities that help to connect mind and body, and address conditions such as stress, anxiety and depression. 

Then Covid-19 lockdown happened. 

Still, it only took a couple of days to decide what to do next. Juanita explains, "It was not a difficult decision to offer all the activities online. Using zoom for yoga would mean that there was no distance between me and anyone who wanted to take part, and it might help to address the increased suffering that would happen as a result of lockdown.

Yin Yoga in particular can give rise to emotions and can help peope to deal with them with quietness and stillness. We provide a safe space to address anxiety, low mood, increase self awareness and it can also help with recovery from physical injury."

One participant said, "Thanks very much...yes loved the yin yoga. It was just what I needed after a recent life event and I felt it (was) very healing". Another said, "Thank you so much for the yoga classes each week. Brian and I are loving them, so grateful for your gift to the community". 

The Resonance Centre is a local multifunctional space based on community, connection and social/digital inclusion. Their centre (currently under renovation) will be the perfect home for a variety of community groups, uplifting activities and sober parties. As an organisation, they are primarily focussed on wellbeing and mental health providing FREE classes in various styles of yoga (Vinyasa, Yin etc), meditation, pranayama, fitness, art and plant based cookery. All classes are currently on zoom, open to all and completely free but physical classes and seated yoga will be offered on completion of the centre. 

The Resonance Centre will continue to provide online sessions even once the centre actually opens later this year. 
