The Sport England Families Fund will support families and their children getting active together – and there are three main outcomes linked to their strategy that they’re looking to achieve through their investment:
1. Increase activity levels of families in lower socioeconomic groups whose children are not doing 60 minutes a day of physical activity
2. Support families to be active together throughout the week
3. Deliver positive experiences
The anticipated size of bids is between £50,000 to £500,000 for up to four years.
There are some key challenges faced in helping more families in lower socio-economic groups get active together – and Sport England are looking for great ideas that can help tackle these challenges head-on.
Sport England are interested in working with partners who have a successful track record in changing behaviour with families in lower socio-economic groups. These organisations don’t necessarily need to be related to sport or physical activity.
Sport England want to make investments into organisations who are insight and customer led, who really understand families in lower socio-economic groups, including the barriers that stop them from being active and the motivations that encourage activity. Sport England are looking to invest in projects that deliver what families really want and need.
Applications for the first round of the Families Fund involves a two-step application process. At the first stage, you won’t need a fully worked-up
proposal – but Sport England will need to know a little about your organisation, your understanding of the audience you want to work with and initial ideas on how you might support these people.
You will need to submit an expression of interest using an online form by 3pm on 31 August.
Your expression of interest will then be assessed against the criteria outlined in this guide before inviting successful organisations to submit a full application.
At the second stage, applicants will be required to provide full details of their project, partnerships, delivery plans, budgets and approach to monitoring and evaluation. Sport England will also require details of how the project outcomes will last during and beyond the investment period.
For further information and to apply, visit: