Sport England - Helping the active stay active when life changes

Almost 15 million people in England regularly get active, major changes in a person’s life – like a serious injury or illness, moving house, starting a new job, having a baby or retiring – can get in the way of that active habit. Sport England

That’s why Sport England are be investing up to £10 million on supporting those who are regularly active, sport’s core market, to help them stay active.

While focusing on the big changes people go through in their lives, the fund – Helping the Active Stay Active When Life Changes – also has a particular focus on under-represented groups.

That’s because Sport England’s research shows those in lower socio-economic groups, women, people with a limiting disability and people aged 55 and over are less likely to have a regular active habit and if they are active, tend to drop out more.

So Sport England want to work with, invest in and learn from partners to better understand what can be done to help active people stay active for as long as they want to, whatever happens in their lives – Sport England are looking for innovative and bold ideas.

Anticipated size of bids: £50,000 - £500,000

Anticipated length of project: up to four years

Sport England are interested in working with a range of partners, both inside and outside the sport industry, who have the ability to engage with active people at different life changes and help under-represented groups stay active.

Examples of potential partners could include health professionals supporting people who have a serious injury or illness to find an activity that fits their current situation. Partners could also be colleges and universities supporting people who are starting a new phase of education, or housing associations supporting those moving house find new activities in their local area.

Sport England are encouraging collaborative bids, where organisations want to work together to help support people find the next opportunity.

For further information and to apply, visit:, or contact 0345 8508 508, or email: [email protected].

The deadline for expressions of interest is: Monday 22 May 2017, 17:00