Steady State Manchester Solidarity Grant

A few hundred pounds for small local groups to explore alternatives to mainstream economic growth in Greater Manchester.

fundingSteady State Manchester will consider funding:

  • Activities that further some aspect of what they have advocated, or are in keeping with their views
  • Activities should challenge the economic status quo
  • It must be in Greater Manchester (GM) – and can be from very local (a street or two, or a neighbourhood) to those covering all of GM
  • Inclusive ways of working, open to all unless targeted at minoritised people

There is a strong preference for:

  • Small scale activities decided and led by communities
  • New approaches to issues
  • Work that can potentially help those most in need

Examples of themes: new models of ownership, production, distribution etc.; influencing/participating in local decision making; meeting very basic needs (hunger etc.); tackling inequalities.

Examples of spending: room hire, leaflets, zoom subscription, tea for meetings, helping low income or mobility-impaired people with transport costs, etc.

Who can apply
Any group. If you have agreed written rules it’s easier to make sure you are a community group. If you don’t, but are a handful of committed people, Steady State Manchester will ask to meet you to assure who you are, or are becoming, a community group.

Steady State Manchester are keen to support new, informal groupings from marginalised communities.

To apply:
Email Steady State Manchester to describe your idea and your group. There is no application form.

Either send a summary in a few sentences, or set it out in more detail, covering:

  • Who should be contacted about your idea and how
  • Who is in your group and what it’s done so far
  • What the issue you want to tackle is
  • What you propose to do:
    • How long you think it will take
    • Who will do the work
    • Things you need to spend money on
    • Anything that’s part of the project that you don’t need funding for
    • How you (and Steady State Manchester) will know it’s finished and what its results have been (receipts, photos, any other records)
    • Anything else Steady State Manchester need to know
  • You can also send photos/video/audio etc.

Steady State Manchester can look at applications up to about £400.

You can apply at any time. Steady State Manchester usually meet every month to discuss enquiries.

For further information visit: or email: [email protected]