Macc has published a report which outlines its recent response to the Cabinet Office’s Local Sustainability Fund (LSF) and its subsequent efforts to support Manchester based groups engaged in the application process. Macc’s overall aim was to increase the groups chances of being successful and therefore being awarded much needed funding.
Delivered by the Big Lottery Fund on behalf of the Office for Civil Society (OCS), the Local Sustainability Fund aims to help medium sized voluntary, community and social enterprise (VCSE) groups to secure a more sustainable way of working by providing funding and support to help them review and transform their operating models. The OCS made £20 million in funding available to this fund.
17 Manchester based VCSE groups were invited to submit second stage LSF applications to the Big Lottery Fund. 12 of these groups were successful and a combined total investment of £805,860 has been awarded. This funding will help these groups to make significant improvements to their efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability.
7 of the Manchester groups were directly supported by Macc and all 7 were successful.
The report outlines the approach adopted by Macc, its partners and the applicant organisations. The report also aims to provide insight which may assist not only Macc to deal with similar funding programmes in the future but also to hopefully influence funders such as the Big Lottery Fund so that their future plans take into account some of the learning.