Take part in a BBC documentary

Landmark Films on behalf of the BBC are working on a documentary and they are looking to speak with local individuals who help out in the community litter picking or clearing up the streets of dog fouling because they have a passion and pride for their area.

In the documentary Landmark Films want to tackle the issue of litter, which is becoming increasingly problematic in modern society and a real nuisance, and talk to the people who are trying to do something about it on a regular basis.

The film is just a short one off documentary and it would observe the volunteer in action and chat with them about why they think it is important to try and clean up the streets in their area.

If you or if you know someone who is persistently out trying to clean up litter or dog fouling and you would like to take part in the documentary, contact Jessica Howe, on 01865 297 220.

Landmark Films are based in Oxford and have made films for all the major broadcasters, including most recently a documentary on British Hedges which was very popular and had very high ratings. It is aimed to make this film in a similar style focusing on an issue that all the general British public can relate.
