Macmillan Cancer Improvement Partnership (MCIP) in Manchester has commissioned University Hospital of South Manchester (UHSM) and a company called Dynamic to deliver an e-learning programme for non-cancer specialists within the community. Its aim is to help non-cancer specialists better support people affected by cancer that they come in to contact with.
The e-learning will cover:
• The nature of cancer
• Prevention and screening
• Staging and investigation
• Cancer treatments
• Palliative and End of life care
• Living with and beyond cancer
MCIP would obviously like to make this training interesting and meaningful and one of the ways we would like to do this would be to include patient film clips (talking heads) of a range of people who would like to do a short clip about their experiences.
MCIP would like to ensure that they hear what people say but also ensure they cover some specific areas of theirs experiences, such as:
• Hair loss
• Fatigue
• Lymphedema
• Psychological impact
• Stress
• Where they could go to find information
• Communications
• Getting back to work
• Physical Activity
• Late effects
This could be a really empowering opportunity for people affected by cancer to make an impact on how community care is delivered. Would you like to take part?
Filming will be on 12 December at UHSM and a time slot will be given at the individual’s convenience.
For further information and to get involved, contact Mel Atack, MCIP User Involvement Facilitator, on 0161 765 4077, or email: [email protected]