The group talked about mental health breakdown today, what brings it on, why some people are fine and others aren’t. Other times they’ve talked about OCD, panic attacks, medication, or sometimes the whole session is taken up with members “checking-in”. Every Thursday, since Jan 2016, there is a two hour lifeline for people with mental health difficulties facilitated by carefully trained and supported Manchester Mind volunteers.
“It’s been good for me. Getting me out. Being around people”
“I get a sense of fulfilment in helping others”
“The group is helping my confidence. I talk about my problems, what I couldn’t speak about before”
Get Help – Give Help, the name the group gave itself, is a place where people can share their stories and connect with others in a safe place where everyone is accepted and newcomers are welcomed gently. Many of the 40 people who have come to the group since it started have found it difficult to access help elsewhere, are isolated and have little or no other support system.
More information about Manchester Mind and the group can be found at