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Travelling to healthcare sites - have your say

9 Mar 2022 - 11:48 by michelle.foster

To help reduce carbon emissions, supporting NHS and wider government goals, Transport for Greater Manchester’s Customer Experience team want to learn more about the ways in which patients and staff travel to health sites such as hospitals, GPs, clinics and walk-in centres.

At the end of March, the team are hosting a Travelling to Healthcare Sites engagement workshop to provide an opportunity for attendees to share their travel experiences, highlight any potential practical issues encountered when travelling to health sites and to discuss opinions on sustainable transport modes. Participant insight and feedback will help to make a difference to people travelling to health sites in Greater Manchester.

The engagement workshops will be held virtually, via Teams. The same workshop will be delivered twice, with one daytime slot and one evening slot on:
29 March, 11am-1pm, register here
30 March, 6pm-8pm, register here

You need to register to attend by 22 March at 12pm.

If you would like to attend the workshop and have any accessibility needs that you would like to make TfGM aware of, email [email protected] before 22 March 2022, 12pm.

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