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The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund Development Grants for organisations working with carers

20 Mar 2015 - 12:34 by michelle.foster

The Triangle Trust 1949 Fund Development Grants for organisations working with carers provide funds towards your organisation’s core costs to support the development of a solid foundation for the long-term. The Trust would like to see applicants use these grants to develop sustainable income sources, so that when the grant comes to end your organisation’s income will not be reduced.

Applicant criteria
• The primary purpose of applicants' constitution must be to support unpaid carers
• Applicants must be a registered charity, not-for-profit social enterprise or community interest company working within the UK with a UK office
• Social enterprise and community interest companies must have a governing document which shows the name, aim/purpose, objects of the group, including a dissolution clause - what happens if your group ceases to function.
• Applicants may be involved in providing direct practical support work, research projects or policy or campaigning work relevant to unpaid carers
• Applicants must demonstrate in their application how they have expertise and a history of working with unpaid carers
• Applicants must have some volunteer input
• Applicants’ annual income for the most recent financial year should be less than £2million, although priority will be given to smaller organisations
• Shortlisted applicants will be required to have a strategic plan in place ready to be presented during stage two of the application process
• Applicants must make a commitment to develop sustainable income streams during the grant period
• Applicants should have evaluation systems for their work in place, and if not part of the grant should be used to put a system in place

Grants will be available for up to £40,000 or 50% current annual income, whichever is lowest, per year for 3 years. (The 50% of annual income limit is in place to prevent smaller organisations making an unrealistic step change in income that cannot be sustained when the grant ends.)

For further information and to apply, visit: www.triangletrust.org.uk/what-we-fund/development-grant-criteria, or contact 01707 707 078 (Tuesday to Thursday only, 10am-4pm), or email: [email protected]

Deadline for application submissions: Thursday 30 April 2015

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