The Triangle Trust – Rehabilitation of offenders and ex-offenders

Across the prison population including men, women and youth at least 1 in 2 prisoners released will re-offend within a year. Offenders need information to make the right decisions about their lives in the community: where they will live; how they will gain a legitimate income; how they will rebuild their family ties, or form new ones. They should also be helped to find support for mental health needs and substance misuse. 

For the benefit of the individual offenders and society The Triangle Trust would like to see the re-offending rates in the UK reduce and offer dedicated funding to organisations working with offenders whilst in prison and after they are released to bring this about. The Triangle Trust only offers funding to specialist offender organisations rather than those with a broader remit which run offender projects.

The Triangle Trust recognises in the current economic climate, building a solid foundation for long-term sustainability for your organisation can be of higher importance than starting a new project. Development Grants provide funds towards your organisation’s core costs.

The Triangle Trust would like to see applicants use these grants to develop sustainable income sources, so that when the grant comes to end your organisation’s income will not be reduced.

The Development Grant Scheme provides core funding to support organisations to implement a step change in their development and therefore build increased sustainability for the future. The Triangle Trust are open minded on the type of initiatives applicants may wish to develop in order to increase their sustainability.

Grants are available for up to £80,000 over three years with a maximum of £35,000 in year one.

The application process is two-stage. The first stage is the completion of the online application form by 23 October 2018, 12noon.

For further information and to apply, visit:, or contact 01707 707 078.