The University of Manchester – Funded internships

The University of Manchester has a Student Experience Internship (SEI) scheme which provides funding to pay for a limited number of students to undertake an eight-week summer internship within organisations in the charity and not-for-profit sector in Manchester. The aim is to help organisations complete specific projects or for students to help by undertaking a particular role that is requiredManchester Est 1824 The University of Manchester during the summer months. Projects can be varied in nature but need to be achievable within the eight-week period. Students will be paid by the University but will be based in the host organisation during the internship and hence those hosting a student will be required to provide day-to-day line management support.

If you wish to submit a project proposal for consideration, email [email protected] as soon as possible to request a form. Please note, proposals need to be submitted by 5 February to be considered for funding.