The University of Manchester’s Social Responsibility and Volunteer of the Year Awards 2013

Do you have a student, staff member or alumni from The University of Manchester volunteering within your organisation?

Many of the University’s students, staff and alumni give their personal time and energy helping disadvantaged groups in the community locally, nationally and overseas. In addition, as part of its strategic vision, the University aims to encourage greater social responsibility. To help realise this ambition, and to recognise and celebrate the community activity of its members, in 2010 the University launched the Social Responsibility and Volunteer of the Year Awards scheme.

The University is now open for nominations for the 2013 Awards and would welcome nominations from organisations which feels that a student, staff member or alumni is worthy of the Award. Each winner will receive a cheque, made out to the organisation that they support: £300 for the overall winner, and £200 and £100 for the 2nd and 3rd place runners up. In addition the overall winner in each category will be put forward for the University Social Responsibility Award.

The closing date for all nominations is: Friday 8 March 2013

For further information and to make a nomination, visit:
