The Veolia Environmental Trust grants – 2014 deadlines

The Veolia Environmental Trust are committed to supporting community and environmental projects across the UK. These include improving community halls, creating new play areas and skate parks, and restoring green spaces. Projects must restore derelict land, prevent pollution, provide public amenities or encourage biodiversity.

The categories supported by the Trust are as follows:
• Category A - Reclamation of Land
• Category B - Remediation of Pollution
• Category D - Public Amenities
• Category DA - Conservation of Biodiversity
• Category E - Restoration of Buildings of Historic Interest

You can apply for a grant if you are a not for profit group with a constitution, annual elections and a bank account.

The average award is £20,000 - £25,000 and the maximum grant is £100,000 although those over £70,000 are rare.

Deadlines for 2014:
29 August 2014
21 November 2014

For further information and to apply, visit:, or contact 01902 794 6777, or email: info