Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly for Manchester – Join the Board

We are looking for people from local voluntary and community groups to join the Board of the new Voluntary and Community Sector Assembly for Manchester.

In the workshop at the Macc to the Future event in late September, it was generally agreed to get on with setting up the Assembly, we should seek to establish a Board by recruitment for the first year. This Board will then be subject to election at the Assembly’s first Annual Event in September 2013.

About the Assembly Board
o The Board will meet at least 4 times a year to oversee the work programme of the Assembly and approve the agenda for meetings and events. The Board is responsible for ensuring that the Assembly adheres to its principles and policies as set out in the Assembly Framework document.

o A Chair and Deputy Chair will be selected from within the Board. To make sure there is communication between the Assembly Board and the lead infrastructure organisation, the Chief Executive of Macc has a place of right on the Board but may not become the Chair or Deputy Chair.

o The Board’s role is not to be the representative body for the sector, but it is a place to make sure that important issues are brought to the Assembly’s agenda by bringing your view from the “front line”.

Macc will be providing secretariat support to the Board, including producing papers for meetings, writing up notes, etc. We have a limited fund for participation expenses (e.g. travel) but we cannot pay you for your time.

More information is available on the Assembly’s webpages within Manchester Community Central: www.manchestercommunitycentral.org/about-voluntary-sector-assembly

Who are we looking for?
We are looking for people to join this new Board who can show the following:
o That you’re currently involved with a voluntary or community sector group working within the city of Manchester – either as a volunteer, paid staff member or trustee.
o That you can share your views of what’s happening in local communities.
o That you have a broad understanding of the issues faced by the voluntary and community sector, not focusing on a single issue but taking a longer view.
o Some experience of working in partnership with other groups and organisations.
o A good general level of IT skills & willingness to take part in training.

We particularly wish to encourage people from smaller community groups and organisations representing minority or ‘seldom heard’ voices.

If you’re interested in getting involved…
Please send us a brief statement of no more than 500 words showing how you meet the points set out above and including your contact details.
Email it to: [email protected]
Or post it to Manchester Community Central, FREEPOST NAT4553 Manchester M60 3BR

A panel will look at all the responses we receive and you may be invited to a brief informal interview to discuss the role further.

Interviews will be held on Tuesday 27 November 2012

Deadline: Wednesday 21 November 2012, 17:00