Volunteer Centre Manchester is hitting the Road for Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June 2015)

For Volunteers’ Week (1-7 June 2015) the Volunteer Centre Manchester Team will be visiting a venue near you in East/North and South Manchester, running Volunteer Roadshows to encourage more people to sign up and volunteer with local organisations. We will also be inviting training providers and those organisations who can provide residents with potential job opportunities.

Your organisation is more than welcome to attend more than one of these events, just make sure you register your interest in having a stall/information for each Roadshow separately. Click on the links below to book on.

Date & Time: Wednesday 3 June, 11am-4pm
Venue: Wythenshawe Forum, Forum Square, Wythenshawe, Manchester, M22 5RX
Click here to register
Poster: http://bit.ly/1HmsXbQ

Date & Time: Thursday 4 June, 12.30pm-4.30pm
Venue: The Hub, Belleview House, 27 Garrett Way, Gorton, Manchester, M18 8HE
Click here to register
Poster: http://bit.ly/1Fs3EXO

Additional details will follow your registration. Please forward this to any organisations or potential volunteers who might wish to attend and don’t forget to display the posters in your venue.
