We Love MCR Charity – apply for a grant

Applications are invited from Manchester based Charities, Organisations and Others to the ‘We Love MCR Charity’ The Lord Mayor of Manchester’s Charity Appeal Trust.

Aims of the Charity
The Charity was set up as a Trust to distribute funds “for Charitable purposes for the general benefit of the inhabitants of the City of Manchester as the Trustees shall think fit”.

The Charity’s primary aim is to improve the lives and life chances of Manchester People.

Help develop stronger communities by encouraging more citizens to be active in working together to strengthen their community.

Who can apply?
Local Charities, Community Groups and Organisations aiming to improve circumstances for people in communities within the City of Manchester can apply. Applications can be made by organisations who work with groups or organisations on behalf of individuals e.g. schools, social and support
workers etc.

Type of projects that will be considered:
Examples of the types of projects that will be considered:
• Are run by local volunteers who wish to improve the circumstances of individuals and communities in economically/socially excluded and/or deprived areas in the City of Manchester
• Do not have access to a professional fundraiser and experience difficulty in attracting funding from other sources
• Encourage involvement of local residents in improving, designing, identifying and implementing community activities
• Promote voluntary participation and social inclusion as well as community involvement and selfhelp

How much can you apply for?
The current grant limits are: Up to £1000 to support individuals with larger amounts available to groups. Group applications will be assessed on an individual basis and grant amounts are discretionary.

Application deadlines
Applications will be considered every quarter; these meetings will take place in the last week of the following months: January, April, July and October.

Applications should submitted at least 4 weeks before a scheduled Allocation meeting.

Completed application should be emailed to: [email protected], or posted to: We Love MCR Charity, Lord Mayor’s Suite, Room 412, Town Hall, Manchester, M60 2LA