What can public sector and voluntary organisations in Manchester do to support self care?

NHS and Manchester City Council are interested in your views on self care. Take your seat at a conversation about self care and how it can be improved.

With views from the general public, community groups and the public sector, these events will shape the plans for self care in Manchester.

Events are taking place on:
Date & Time: Tuesday 6 October 2015, 1pm-4pm including lunch
Venue: Irish World Heritage Centre, 1 Irish Town Way, Cheetham Hill, M8 0AE

Date & Time: Thursday 8 October 2015, 1pm-4pm including lunch
Venue: Wythenshawe Forum, Forum Square, Wythenshawe, Manchester M22 5RX

Register by 2 October by contacting 0161 234 5458, or emailing email: [email protected]