Strategic Review

Loss of funding may require a different approach: either different goals or a different way of doing business.

As an organisation set up for public or community benefit you will need to stay within the boundaries of the objects set out in your governing document; you would otherwise need formal approval (Charity Commission, CIC regulator).

Even when your objects are broadly worded, it is good to be wary of ‘mission drift’ (losing sight of your overarching purpose as you chase the funding).
A simple strategic review might consist of these key elements:
A. Remind yourselves of your objects
B. The Dream: briefly review your mission statement and/or vision statement. Now may not be the time to change your mission, but you may need to adopt a less expansive short-term vision.
C. Reality check

  • Analyse the key external trends that are impacting on your plans (e.g. electoral change, new policies, spending power, population changes, technical innovation, social expectations and patterns of behaviour)
  • What are the really significant opportunities and threats that you are facing?
  • Relevant to these, what are your own organisational strengths and weaknesses? Be honest!
  • Look for opportunities that you could align with your internal strengths

D. What can be changed?

  • Your range of activities?
  • Your geographical coverage?
  • Your method of delivery?
  • Your funding strategy?
  • Should you explore collaboration or even merger? Or prepare for closure?

E. Set your business strategy. Be clear what approach you are adopting, and what your key objectives are for at least the next year

Usually, it is good to conduct a strategic review at an Away Day for Committee and senior (or all) staff, using an external facilitator. At a time when face-to-face meetings are impossible, other options are needed:

Alternatives to meetings

Option Possible advantages Possible disadvantages

Virtual meeting using e.g. Zoom

Sense of team-working
Sense of social contact

Fragmentation of discussion
Hard to keep focus and progress

Lead planner, email drafts and feedback

Facilitates clear focus
Version control
Control of time schedule

Loss of social contact
Less sense of team-working

Draft plan on cloud drive; all edit

Group engagement / ownership

Loss of focus / version control
Less control over time schedule