Become a Member

Membership of Macc is FREE. We work with organisations and individuals across Manchester and we aim for our membership to reflect the diversity of the many communities across the area. Macc believes that membership brings real benefits both to our work and to society generally.

These benefits include:
• Enhancing the transparency and accountability of our governance structure
• Providing a constant source of trustees
• Giving us a consistent awareness of the needs of voluntary, community and faith groups
• Improving our advocacy role with public bodies by demonstrating the collective impact of the voluntary, community and faith sector
• Enabling individuals to be more involved in their local communities and increasing individual participation in civil society
• Supporting local community action and developing fundraising opportunities
• Encouraging co-operation within the sector and developing a platform for consortium and collaborative working

We have two levels of membership, Full and Affiliate.

All members will have access to our website, newsletters, training and advice.

Full members have the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) and can nominate potential trustees for the Macc Board.

Criteria - Full Membership
Membership is open to any group or organisation that:
• Can demonstrate that they serve more than five members or beneficiaries
• Has three or more committee members with clear roles e.g. Chair, Treasurer, Secretary
• Has clear aims, objectives or purpose (often in the form of a constitution, set of rules or other governing document)
• Can demonstrate financial accountability
• Signs a declaration in support of the Macc mission, vision and values
• If you are applying for full membership you will need to attach a copy of your latest annual report or attach a brief written summary of your group’s aims and a copy of your groups income and expenditure, accounts or other evidence of financial accountability.

Become a Full Member

Criteria - Affiliate Members
Membership is open to any group or individual that:
• Access services delivered by Macc
• Has an interest in health and social care in Manchester
• Is an individual who lives or works in the area covered by Macc i.e. The City of Manchester
• Is a group or an individual who has an interest in the third sector in Manchester (the third sector includes voluntary, community and faith groups, charities, sports clubs, social enterprises and co-operatives)
• Is a group or an individual who is interested in the work of Macc
• Is a Manchester based group awaiting a constitution/charity registration
• Is a group not based in the City of Manchester but provides services that benefit the City of Manchester Residents or Manchester as a whole
• Is a group based in the City of Manchester that provides services that benefit the City of Manchester Residents or Manchester as a whole
• Signs a declaration in support of the Macc mission, vision and values

Become an Affiliate Member