A few things you should know about us and our volunteer opportunities

What is a volunteer?
Volunteering is - 'Any activity which involves spending time, unpaid, doing something which aims to benefit someone (individuals or groups) other than or in addition to close relatives, or to benefit the environment.'

What is the minimum age to be a volunteer?
Volunteers have to be 16 years of age but there is no upper limit.

Why volunteer?

  • New experiences
  • Develop skills
  • Improve your job prospects
  • Meet new people
  • Keep busy
  • Increase confidence
  • Get references
  • Try a new career idea
  • Satisfaction

Do I need any special skills?
Many roles require nothing more than enthusiasm, time and commitment. Some organisations will have volunteer roles that require special skills, but this will always be clearly stated and they will almost always have other non-specialised roles available too.

How do I get involved with your opportunities?
Start by completing our online registration form by clicking on 'I want to Volunteer.' We will then match you with some suitable volunteering roles or arrange to see you face to face to talk about your options if you prefer. If you have any problems completing the online registration form click on 'Make an Appointment' and submit your contact details and we will contact you to arrange to meet. Finally, you can also visit www.do-it.org.uk to browse some of the opportunities we have available.

How do I find out about free training and new volunteer roles?
We will send you regular updates on new volunteering, training and employment opportunities as well as news. Make sure you keep us updated with your contact details and let us know if you would like to be removed from our mailing list.

Do I have to volunteer for everything?
No. You only need to volunteers for opportunity which interest you.

If I volunteer, will it cost me money?
Although you do not get paid for volunteering, you should get back any out of pocket expenses including travel, refreshments and/or food (if you volunteer over a lunch period). Some organisations have limited budgets and cannot afford to pay expenses. In cases like this you will be informed beforehand so you can choose whether to take part.

What kind of volunteer opportunities can I apply for?
You can apply for all kinds of long and short-term opportunities which are advertised. These can range from sports events to opportunities in the arts, culture, media, health, the environment, heritage, working with children and community festivals. A full range of opportunities can be viewed on www.do-it.org.uk

I don’t live in Manchester. Can I still volunteer?
Volunteer Centre Manchester can only sign up people who live in Manchester (i.e. if you, or your family pays, your council tax to Manchester City Council). If you would like to be a volunteer but live in one of the other Greater Manchester boroughs you can find your local Volunteer Centre

Are all venues accessible?
We work with organisations to ensure that every effort is made to ensure that volunteer opportunities are accessible for all volunteers. If you have any specific requirements, please let us know and we can assist.

How does Volunteer Centre Manchester find volunteer opportunities?
Volunteer Centre Manchester actively source quality opportunities and carefully screens each organisation before we advertise them on our website. We check that organisations have Health and Safety policies to ensure your safety whilst volunteering but they must comply with our Code of Practice which outlines how volunteers should be treated. The code covers Health and Safety, Volunteer Expenses, Volunteer Induction and Training, Disabled Access, Support and Supervision and Equal Opportunity.

What happens to my personal information?
All of your details are held on our secure database that only Volunteer Centre Manchester staff have access to. Once you have expressed an interest in volunteering with a particular organisation, your details are forwarded to that organisation so that they can contact you directly with details of what you have to do. Once you have left an organisation, there is an expectation that your information is disposed of securely. If an organisation continues to contact you after you have left, please let us know.

How can I provide you with feedback on my experiences as a volunteer?
You can provide us with feedback on our service in a number of ways, please see the feedback form in the ‘Useful Documents’ section of this website. You can also email us on [email protected], by phone on 0161 830 4770 or in person at our offices. Don’t be afraid to give us both your positive and not so positive feedback. We welcome all feedback as it allows us to change and improve the service we provide to you.

Can I leave if I am unhappy with the experience?
Absolutely. You are under no obligation to keep volunteering for an organisation you are unhappy with. All we ask is that you advise the Volunteer Centre team of the situation and ideally share with us why you feel unhappy and what you feel could improve your time as a volunteer. We would also try and see if there were any other opportunities you might like to try instead.

If you feel that something is seriously wrong or someone is treating you badly please contact us as soon as possible. We have an internal grievance and disciplinary procedure in place as well as policy regarding the health, safety and wellbeing of all volunteers.

Volunteering and Work…

Can volunteering help me find work?
Volunteering has been proven to be an excellent way for unemployed people to get back into employment.

I am working full time. Will I still be able to volunteer?
Yes, there are many opportunities to volunteer outside of normal working hours. Many organisations would love to hear from volunteers who are able to volunteer at evenings, nights and / or weekends.

Will my benefits be affected?
Benefits’ regulations are clear that you can volunteer. If you are claiming Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) you must advise the Job Centre that you are volunteering. Reassure your advisor that you can be contacted at any time while volunteering and state that you can leave your voluntary work with one week's notice. It might also be helpful to explain how your volunteering could help you to get paid work.

If your benefits are sanctioned as a result of volunteering, please advise the Volunteer Centre team and volunteering organisation you are working with. We can assist you with a letter for your Job Centre regarding your volunteer opportunity and details of any expenses you might receive if this is helpful.

The Volunteer Centre Manchester website…
Our website is constantly updated with our latest news and all upcoming opportunities and is an excellent resource to learn all about the service.

The site will be constantly updated and we would welcome your feedback on how we can improve it. Just email us or call 0161 830 4770.