Volunteer Coordinators Forum (VCF)

The Volunteer Co-ordinators Forum (VCF) is a chance for people who are responsible for involving volunteers in the work of their organisation, whether as their paid job or as a volunteer themselves, to come together. It is a peer support space facilitated by Volunteer Centre Manchester, a space to share ideas and resources that you have found useful and to seek support and advice from other volunteer coordinators in the city.

If you have suggestions for agenda items, hot topics for the voluntary sector or would like to deliver some short peer training please get in touch. Equally, if your organisation has a specialism you would like to share, we can get your group on the agenda. Some examples would be, 'Increasing Diversity', 'Understanding Dyslexia' or 'Involving Volunteers with Mental Health Issues/Young People/Deaf Volunteers or People with a Criminal Record'.

The VCF meetings happen every 6-8 weeks around the city. If you are interested in attending or hosting a meeting please contact the team, call 0161 830 4770 or book at the links posted below.

Click here to sign up for our weekly bulletin


Next Meeting

Date: Tuesday 12 November 2024

Time: 10:30 - 12:30

Venue: Macc

Click here to book


Future Meetings


Previous meetings


Date Notes
17th September Notes from this meeting
23rd May Notes from this meeting
28th March Notes from this meeting
31st January Notes from this meeting


Date Minutes Additional Information
13th November Notes from our last meeting Slides from the presentation and asks/offers from the group
27th September Notes from our last meeting  
31st July             Notes from our last meeting                   
22nd May Notes from our last meeting  



Date Minutes  Additional information
7 December click here to view the minutes Agenda
Volunteering full-time with City Year UK presentation
18 July click here to view the minutes  



Date Minutes Addtional information
13 December click here to view the minutes Agenda
Volunteer Hub screen shots
Volunteer Management Charter discussion
18 October click here to view the minutes Agenda
Town Hall Complex Service Timetable
21 June click here to view the minutes Agenda
19 April click here to view the minutes Agenda
13 April click here to view the minutes Agenda
Team building ideas for volunteers
The New Volunteer Manager: The First 90 Days
9 February click here to view the minutes Fabulous Fan Fayre advert
Flourish Project handout
Flourish Project referral form



Date Minutes Additional information
16 December click here to view the minutes  
21 October click here to view the minutes Lightwaves presentation
10 June click here to view the minutes  
26 May click here to view the minutes GM West Mental Health Foundation Trust and Volunteering presentation
Universal Credit Update 29 April 2015
29 April click here to view the minutes Neighbourhood Fund 2015 / 2016 Application criteria
Neighbourhood Fund 2015 / 2016 Application form


Date Minutes Additional information
11 December click here to view the minutes GMCC Universal Credit presentation
Impact assessment form
Form to tell us what the impact of funding cuts means to you
Training needs in repsonse to cuts form
Voluntary & Community Sector Information Event Budget options 2015/17 presentation
5 November click here to view the minutes MAES Courses 14-15
13 August click here to view the minutes Get on Track 2014 flyers Page 1
Get on Track 2014 flyers Page 2
Get on Track 2014 flyers Page 3
3 July click here to view the minutes Strategic Lead Commissioning presentation
23 May click here to view the minutes  
11 April click here to view the minutes  
7 March click here to view the minutes  
31 January