The latest edition of the Manchester Joint Strategic Needs Assessment now published

Local authorities and Primary Care Trusts have been legally obliged to collaborate in the production of a Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) since 2007 and this latest version is a continuation and expansion of the previously published JSNAs for the city. Building on the previous work, the current version of the JSNA has been developed as an online tool so as to allow the material to be revised and expanded on an ongoing basis. All of the data used in the JSNA will shortly be available to users via the new Manchester Intelligence Hub Analysis Tool.

The JSNA is a key piece of evidence that will be used by the new Health and Wellbeing Board in the development of the Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy. NHS and local authority commissioners will also be expected to give due regard to the JSNA when developing their commissioning plans.

The latest edition of the Manchester Joint Strategic Needs Assessment is available to view online here:

Work on the JSNA will not stop here and the process of updating and improving the content will continue on an ongoing basis under the direction of the Health and Wellbeing Board. If you have any comments on the content and format of the JSNA or if you would like to become more involved in the process, email: [email protected].