The Charity Service – Chronicle Cinderella Fund

Type of grant
Small grant (up to 10K)
The Charity Service

Funding from the Chronicle Cinderella Home Fund is available for individuals or organisations to support the costs of respite care and support (including but not limited to the provision of holidays) for the benefit of children and young people under the age of 25 who are sick, convalescent, have special educational needs or are disadvantaged for any other reason. The respite care and support should provide a positive experience for the young person and/or provide a beneficial short period of rest for the young person’s carers and family.

Individual applications must be completed, and submitted, by a Sponsor such as a Social Worker, GP, Teacher or other professional person who knows the individual, the family and their circumstances well enough to complete the application on their behalf.

Applications can be submitted at any time.

Grant amount
How to apply

An application form can be downloaded from the website