Youth Music Trailblazer Fund

Type of grant
Core funders
Youth Music Trailblazer Fund

Grants are available to constituted UK based organisations to run projects in England for children and young people (aged 25 or under) to make music activity more inclusive and foster learning, creation and employment opportunities. The funding aims to support young people who want to change their lives through music but cannot because of who they are, where they are from or what they are going through.

The grants are for organisations who want to trial work for the first time, test a new way of working, or disrupt the status quo.

Constituted UK based organisations can apply.

Two levels of grants are available:

  • Grants of £2,000 to £15,000 are available to organisations of less than one year old
  • Grants of £2,000 to £30,000 are available to organisations of more than one year old

Projects should last between 6 and 24 months.


Grant amount
Up to £30,000
How to apply

There is an online application form 
