What do you think of our quarterly newsletter?

As well as our weekly email bulletin, for the last couple of years we send out a printed newsletter every three months. This was originally produced in a newsletter format with supplements but for the last year it has been produced as single sheets of paper, since being combined with Connections.

The newsletter hasn’t been formally reviewed since its launch so in order to ensure that it meets the needs of voluntary and community sector groups we want to seek your views on how useful you find the newsletter and ideas for making it more accessible.

Our questionnaire links in with the online survey we sent out a couple of months ago which asked you to let us know which bulletins you receive. This is part of our efforts to reduce the duplication of information that is sent out by various groups as we realise that your time is precious and you can be inundated with information that you don’t have time to read.

We are aiming to produce a combined quarterly newsletter and weekly ebulletin with our partners to keep you informed of important developments and key issues. Just as lots of groups are working together to deliver services and activities more efficiently and effectively, by working with our partners we hope to produce information in a way which is more useful for you and more cost-effective for us.

From the questionnaire we would like your opinions on:
• How informative you find our newsletter
• The articles and content
• What you think of the presentation, layout and format
• Your preferred format to receive the newsletter

We have received enquiries from subscribers of our newsletter if it is available to be sent electronically. The Questionnaire provides the opportunity for you to opt to receive our newsletter electronically.

Click here to complete our short survey

From these responses we will design a new format newsletter. We will work with a small focus group to gather more detailed opinions on the redesigned newsletter before it is relaunched. If you would like to be part of this group to provide more detailed feedback on the newsletter you can indicate this on the survey.

We really appreciate you taking the time to give us feedback on our newsletter.