Consultation on Adult Voluntary and Community Sector Commissioning

Manchester City Council is shortly intending to put out to competitive tender the following services:
1. Advocacy Services
2. Carer Support Services
3. Employment Support Services
4. Dementia Support Services

Further information is available here

There is a short period of consultation ending on 30 September. Submissions about what should be included in the specifications should be sent to Mike Gorman at [email protected] or contact 0794 072 2217

The only published information so far concerning the specification are the proposed outcomes which are listed below:

Advocacy Outcomes
1. Citizens have access to easy to understand information to maximise their range of choices and options in order make informed choices regarding their care and support
2. Promotion and marketing of advocacy service’s enables citizens to access advocacy services
3. Citizens are empowered to access information independently to enable them to make decisions without on-going advocacy support
4. Citizens receive the information and support they need to access services in their community
5. Citizens are supported in being listened to and having their care and support preferences communicated in a professional manner

Carer Support Outcomes
1. Carers are identified to ensure that they are kept informed of services that will protect them from caring having a harmful effect on them
2. Carers are able to maintain their caring role and stay mentally and physically well and enjoy leisure time of their own
3. Carers are supported to access a carer’s assessment.
4. Carers are able to access information to support them and professionals can access information about carers’ rights and issues
5. Development of volunteering opportunities, including befriending and mentoring schemes, for carers and other members of the community

Employment Support Outcomes
1. Citizens with a physical or learning disability are trained to be work ready and supported into employment
2. Partnership working with care and support partners ( including statutory) enables citizens with a physical or learning disability to receive the support and training to become work ready
3. Promotion and marketing of training opportunities for physical and disabled citizens results in accessible employment opportunities
4. Effective arrangements are developed with employers to maximise the employment opportunities for physical and learning disabled citizens

Dementia Support Services
1. Support to help people maintain their skills and abilities, to maintain their social networks and to remain living in their own homes
2. Structured peer support, activities and learning networks
3. 350 carers of people with dementia are supported