Fulfilling Lives : Ageing Better. Update

The main purpose of the Big Lottery investment is to support older people who are marginalised or most at risk of social isolation and loneliness so that they can lead more fulfilling lives.

Following the successful initial expression of interest from eight of the ten Greater Manchester Authorities, GMCVO have now been appointed the lead organisation to take the bid through to the next stages; to develop the vision and strategy for better ageing and the final Partnership Business Plan which needs to be completed by the beginning of April 2014.
Nationally this will be a £70m Strategic Investment from Big Lottery (£2-6m for up to 6 years) They are looking to make awards to up to 20 Projects. The GM bid includes all the Local Authorities except Trafford or Stockport.

If successful, the programme of work in Greater Manchester will begin in October 2014. Last Friday GMCVO hosted a meeting to discuss the Vision, an Engagement Plan and how partners will contribute to the work.

One of the key messages from Big Lottery and GMCVO is that older people themselves need to be involved in the design and delivery of the Programme of work, from the beginning. Three key messages for Macc, raised from discussions at the meeting were:

  • Older Peoples’ involvement and influence needs to be co-ordinated and supported and drive the work of the Partnership
  • To support the Partnership with an Ageing Better Network, we need to make effective use of existing Networks, Forums and groups, to ensure the involvement of a range of communities from across Greater Manchester
  • The Partnership needs to foster strategic links to relevant programmes of work in our own localities. Programmes of work in Manchester include the Living Longer, Living Better programme (Manchester Health and Wellbeing Board), the Healthy Ageing City programme (VOP) and the Reducing Isolation grants Programme (Manchester’s CCGs)

The Greater Manchester Older Peoples Reference Group have expressed an interest in supporting the involvement of older people in the work. The group is supported by Macc.
For further information about the Partnership contact John Hannen at GMCVO. [email protected]
For further information about the GM Reference Group contact Mary Duncan at Macc [email protected]
