Viridor Credits Funding

Constituted non-profit organisations in eligible areas in England can apply now for capital funding for community, biodiversity or heritage projects that benefit their local community.

Viridor Credits provides funding for a huge range of projects and will consider eligible applications on their merits and in light of the funding available.

In general, a project needs to be located within 10 miles of one of their local steering groups and fall under the provision of one of the categories listed below:
• Community - Provision or maintenance of public amenities
• Conservation - Promotion of biological diversity through:
- the provision, conservation, restoration or enhancement of a natural habitat, or
- the maintenance or recovery of a species or its habitat on land or water
• Heritage - Maintenance, restoration or renovation of structures of historical or architectural importance or those used for religious worship, provided they offer public access

Who can apply for funding?
Any organisation that is properly constituted and not-for-profit may apply. These include, but may not be limited to: Parish/Town Councils, ‘Friends of’ groups, Charities and Trusts.

What kind of projects are eligible?
Projects that have no restrictions on access or use and, in the case of community facilities, are available to the public at all times for at least 104 days per year.

Projects must also fulfil one of the following objects:
• The protection of the environment; the provision, maintenance or improvement of public amenities and parks, which are open and accessible to the public
• The protection of the environment; the enhancement, protection and/or promotion of biological diversity of a species or habitat
• The protection of the environment; the maintenance, repair or restoration of a building or structure that is of historic or architectural interest, and is open and accessible to the public

Projects must be within 10 miles of an active, Viridor-managed landfill site.

Greater Manchester application deadlines for 2014:
• 25 February 2014
• 27 May 2014
• 02 September 2014
• 18 November 2014

For further information and to apply, visit: