UK Network of Age-friendly Cities - tender opportunity

The work of the Age-friendly Manchester team (formerly Valuing Older People) continues to enjoy a very high national and international profile. Other cities look to Manchester on a regular basis in terms of their ageing work and, in 2012, the UK Urban Ageing Consortium ( a partnership between Manchester City Council, Manchester University, Keele University and the Beth Johnson Foundation) launched the UK Network of Age-friendly Cities.

Now affliated by the World Health Organisation as the recognised national programme for the UK, the Network has 12 member cities from across the four UK nations who are all committed to becoming age-friendly and are doing excellent work to develop their cities using age-friendly principles.

The Network requires an independent consultant to help them to coordinate, publicise and develop their successful shared learning programme and series of policy seminars, as well as their collective national voice. They require a highly-organised strong communicator to join this exciting initiative. More details and timeframes for application can be found in the attached Tender document.

To apply, see attached.

For further information, contact Sally Chandler, Age-friendly Manchester Programme Manager, on 0161 234 3513, or email: [email protected]
