Age-friendly Manchester information and communication project

Staying in touch and connected with the world is a vital aspect of an age-friendly city. Communication and information (in all its different forms) supports that ongoing effective connection with the world in a variety of different ways.

The Age-friendly Manchester information and communications project will look at how the Age-friendly Manchester programme communicates with older people in Manchester and determine what improvements can be made.

The project’s objectives are:

• To consult with older people about how they would like to receive information about the programme
• To collate examples of good practice of communication of information from partners
• To consult with service providers and partners to understand their views
• To review existing communication practice

The project is running from April – June 2014

How you can get involved:
Join an upcoming focus group or sign up to receive a questionnaire to contribute to discussions.

For further information contact Rebecca Parsons, on 0161 234 4402, or email: [email protected]
