Round 5 of Rosa’s FGM Small Grants Programme is now open

Rosa is a charitable fund set up to support initiatives that benefit women and girls in the UK. Voluntary and community organisations are invited to apply for small grants to help tackle Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in the UK. Grants of between £500 and £5,000 are available for voluntary and community organisations across the UK.

The grants will help funded organisations to:
• become more confident, more knowledgeable, and more skilled in tackling FGM within their communities
• improve their skills in engaging with, and lobbying, statutory bodies to encourage appropriate responses to FGM
• contribute to a unified movement across the UK bringing together a range of organisations engaged in tackling FGM

In Round 5 Rosa will exclusively support applications from organisations within the following categories:
• those engaging with and providing support to newly arrived communities
• supporting previous recipients of Rosa’s FGM Small Grants to continue their work beyond the life of the programme and to become sustainable

Within these categories, Rosa particularly welcomes proposals:
• that will take place in areas with little coordinated activity aimed at tackling FGM
• targeting a range of affected communities
• that will use and promote rights-based strategies
• that will involve working with diverse sections of the community, e.g. men, religious leaders, young people, older people

Grants can be used towards training, research, mentoring, networking, and the delivery of advice, awareness-raising, and support. Grants will be considered for any costs relating to the proposed activity.

For further information and to apply, visit:

Deadline: Monday 14 September 2015