HOME BFI Film Academy

HOME are looking for 15 of the region’s most promising young filmmakers and film fans aged 16-19 to take part in their BFI Film Academy 2015. This intensive 2 month project will cover everything from practical filmmaking to film theory, programming, distribution and certification.

Participants will learn from industry professionals and will be given opportunities to attend special events at HOME throughout the project. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to develop your TV or filmmaking career.

The Academy will cover:
• 6 sessions on the history of film and the development of British and world cinema
• 2 sessions on film programming, promotion and certification
• 12 days of practical filmmaking (a documentary and a short fiction film will be made)
• Participants will be encouraged to undertake a Silver Arts Award as part of the course.

To apply for this opportunity, you should:
• Have a passion or talent for filmmaking
• Be aged 16-19
• Be free on Wednesday evenings and Saturday days from 7 Oct – 12 Dec
• Be free for up to 3 days during the October half term (week of 26 October), including the Monday which is compulsory

The HOME BFI Film Academy is free for participants to attend and travel to and from workshops will be reimbursed.

For further information and to apply, visit: http://homemcr.org/opportunity/bfiacademy/ by Tuesday 29 September 2015, 17:00