Manchester World AIDS Day

Every year on 1 December, communities across the world mark World AIDS Day. In Greater Manchester, the Manchester World AIDS Day Partnership coordinates activities which include awareness-raising activities and events, including a candlelit procession and vigil on 1 December.

This year the Partnership are using the theme ‘Manchester’s Positive’ because:
• People living with HIV can now live full, healthy lives if they get the right treatment – Manchester is positive about ensuring that people living with HIV have access to the right services and treatment
• Early testing is key to ensuring that people living with HIV can minimise its impact – Manchester is positive about easily-accessible, stigma-free testing of HIV
• Infection risk is minimised through safer sex – Manchester is positive about safer sex
• By raising awareness about HIV and the steps people can take to avoid infection we can reduce HIV levels – Manchester is positive about an HIV-free world
• People living with HIV still face stigma – Manchester is positive about people living with HIV and stand together against discrimination and hatred

The partnership would like you to use your social media and internal communications channels to publicise World AIDS Day in Greater Manchester.

The Manchester World AIDS Day partnership is on both Facebook and Twitter.
@McrWorldAIDSDay on Twitter

The Manchester World AIDS Day Partnership comprises: the LGBT Foundation, George House Trust, BHA, Manchester City Council, Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust, and Greater Manchester Police and Crime Commissioner.