Voluntary and Community Group Feedback Form

The Care Quality Commission has developed a Group Feedback Form to learn more about the quality and safety of local health and care services in your area.

It needs your support to gather evidence and intelligence, which will be used to help CQC inspectors before they carry out local inspections. What voluntary and community groups tell them will help inspectors decide when to inspect a service and what to look for. It may also help them decide what rating to give the service in their inspection report.

CQC want to understand more about the big picture of health and care services covering a geographic area as well as about very specific services.

It wants to know about the quality of care for the people your group supports in individual services in your area? It needs to know the details of the service, so that it can use the information in local inspections, to ask the right questions.

CQC inspectors ask about five key areas when they inspect every service: Is it safe, effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs and is it well-managed?

They also check that services are not falling below the new fundamental standards of care. These include standards about person centred care, dignity and respect, safety, safeguarding from abuse, food and drink, premises and equipment, complaints, good.

The Feedback Form is available for you to use either in mailings or to use at meetings and is returned directly to CQC.

The feedback form can be found attached.