We Love MCR Charity - deadlines for 2016

The We Love MCR Charity was set up as a Trust to distribute funds “for Charitable purposes for the general benefit of the inhabitants of the City of Manchester as the Trustees shall think fit”.

The Charity’s primary aim is to improve the lives, aspirations and life chances of Manchester People. Help develop stronger communities by encouraging more citizens to be active in working together to strengthen their community.

Who can apply?
Local Charities, Community Groups and Organisations aiming to improve the lives; life chances and aspirations of the people and communities within the City of Manchester.

How much can you apply for?
The current grant limits are: Up to £1000 to support individuals with larger amounts available to groups. Group applications will be assessed on an individual basis and grant amounts are discretionary.
Please note: applicants, sponsors or third party organisations that have access to incoming resources in excess of £100,000 per annum will not normally be considered.

Applications for individuals will be considered but must be nominated by a Sponsor or Third Party. This can be an organisation or group on behalf of the individual, e.g., school, social and support worker, etc.

For further information and to apply, visit: www.welovemcrcharity.org/welovemcrcharity/info/10/apply_for_funding, or email: [email protected]

Deadline dates are for 2016:
15 January
15 April
15 July
14 October