National Recognition for Manchester’s Home of Volunteering

Volunteer Centre Manchester awarded national accreditation


A national quality mark has been awarded to Volunteer Centre Manchester. The Volunteer Centre is run by Macc, Manchester’s local voluntary, community and social enterprise sector support organisation. The Centre provides information, support and training to Manchester residents who want to volunteer in local charities and groups. It also supports local organisations who want to recruit volunteers, need help and advice to develop new roles, introduce/update policies and procedures or have need training.

Volunteer Centre Manchester opened its doors in January 2012 and has for the first time renewed its Volunteer Centre Quality Accreditation (VCQA) standard from the National Council of Voluntary Organisations (NCVO).

Mike Wild, Macc Chief Executive, said:
“This is great news for Manchester as it shows that the city has a Volunteer Centre with a proven track record which is nationally recognised. The NCVO VCQA is a mark of consistent quality and demonstrates that Volunteer Centre Manchester is committed to adhering to NCVO’s high standards and to effectively promoting and supporting volunteering and volunteer related activity in Manchester. VCQA allows us to use the national Volunteer Centre brand - the only organisation in the city that can use it.

We are thrilled to gain this external recognition of the great work that our team have undertaken, especially in difficult and testing times both in terms of funding and the demand on our services. The fact that so many people are still contacting us to get involved in voluntary effort in Manchester says a great deal about the generosity and community spirit of local people and so we’re delighted that this will help us continue to welcome them to get involved.”

NCVO confirmed it had renewed Volunteer Centre Manchester’s VCQA this week (09/02/2016) following a comprehensive and detailed assessment process.

NCVO said:
“Accreditation provides assurance to commissioners and funders, as well as members of the public and volunteer involving organisations, that Volunteer Centres are providing a high quality and effective service.”

Notes for Editors
• Macc is a charity which provides support to Manchester’s voluntary and community sector. The organisation provides support to local groups in finding funds, setting up and developing, working in partnership and campaigning. Macc also runs the Manchester Voluntary Sector Assembly, Volunteer Centre Manchester and the annual Spirit of Manchester Awards which celebrate the work of thousands of charities, voluntary organisations, community groups and social enterprises across the city.
• Macc’s 2013 State of the Sector report indicated that there are over 94,300 volunteers working in the city’s 3000+ voluntary organisations. Collectively they give around 370,000 hours of voluntary time every week – valued at £332million per year to the city’s economy.
• Volunteer Centre Manchester successfully met all the assessment criteria for the five core functions which VCQA defines as a Volunteer Centre’s work:
- Strategic Development of Volunteering
- Good Practice Development
- Developing Volunteering Opportunities
- Voice of Volunteering
- Brokerage
• Volunteer Centre Manchester will be the city’s celebrations as part of the national Volunteers Week which will run will be running from 1-12 June 2016

Further information
• Website:
• Telephone Volunteer Centre Manchester on 0161 830 4770
• Email: [email protected]
• Facebook:
• Twitter: @VolunteeringMcr 

Mike Wild
Chief Executive, Macc
T: 0161 834 9823
E: [email protected]
Twitter: @MikeWildMacc 

Macc is a Charity Registered in England and Wales No 1145921 and a Company Limited by Guarantee 7788593.

Registered office Swan Buildings, 20 Swan Street, Manchester M4 5JW
