Gift Aid Small Donations Scheme Consultation

Gift Aid is a tax relief. It allows individual taxpayers to give a sum of money to a charity or Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC), which is treated as being paid to the charity net of basic rate income tax.

The Government is keen to understand your experience of operating the scheme.

The aim of this call for evidence is to seek information and evidence-based views about how the government can ensure that the scheme meets the intended policy objectives, whilst reducing the administrative burden for charities, and ensuring fairness for charities structured in different ways.

The Government are seeking to:
• Understand what is working well
• Understand the potential barriers faced by charities under the current scheme rules and why some charities may not be making use of the scheme
• Establish what changes, if any, should be made to the current rules in order to improve the effectiveness of the scheme

The policy intention of the scheme is to support the charity sector by providing top-up payments in circumstances where it would be unduly burdensome or difficult to obtain Gift Aid declarations, for example bucket collections or during a church plate collection. It is intended that each eligible charity should be entitled to claim a top-up payment on up to £5,000 small donations each year (increasing to £8,000 from April 2016).

The Government is welcoming views about the use and effect of the existing scheme rules to inform the review.

The Government will carefully consider the responses and the evidence for making changes to the scheme.

For further information and to take part, visit:, or email: [email protected], by 2 March 2016.