Adactus Housing Group - Breathe Investment Grants

Breathe Investment Grants (BIG) are available to support small scale community projects that will improve the quality of life for Adactus Housing Group residents and make a real difference to the neighbourhoods where Adactus operate.

BIG has replaced and consolidated Adactus Housing Group previous funding streams the Neighbourhood Fund, Green Grants and You Decide.

Successful applicants will be able to demonstrate that their project supports one or more of the following priorities:
• Healthy Living
• Environmental improvements
• Young People and Children
• Older People
• Sustainability
• Employment and Training
• Bring the Community Together
• Community Safety

You can apply to BIG if you are a community/residents group, voluntary group, social enterprise, registered charity, individual, school, statutory organisation or parish/town council.

You are only permitted to submit one application per grant year, to a maximum value of £2000. This includes a maximum of one application per Adactus retirement living scheme, apartment/flat blocks and streets.

The grant year will run from February 2016 until February 2017, however once all the funding has been allocated applications will no longer be accepted.

In the event that your original bid is unsuccessful, you are permitted to reapply for funding towards another project only if it’s significantly different to the original application.

BIG will pay for activities that will benefit the community, including:
• putting on an event, activity or performance
• buying new equipment or materials
• running training courses
• setting up a pilot project or starting up a new group
• paying expenses for volunteers, costs for sessional workers or professional fees
• transport costs

For further information and to apply, visit:, or contact 0300 111 1133, or email: [email protected].