Friends of Wythenshawe Hall are raising £250,000 to repair the much loved Wythenshawe Hall that was damaged due to a fire in the early hours of Tuesday 15 March.
Friends of Wythenshawe Hall are a group of like-minded people who have a passion for Wythenshawe Hall and park who come from all walks of life, in fact one of the members, Richard Jackson, the current Chair of the committee, is a direct descendant of the Tatton family.
Friends of Wythenshawe Hall’s Story
“We are sorry to inform everyone that the much loved Wythenshawe Hall was damaged due to a fire in the early hours of Tuesday 15 March. Fortunately the Fire Service did an amazing job to save the building from complete destruction and we would like to thank them for their valiant efforts in limiting the damage.
We will not be defeated by this setback and we will continue to work closely in partnership with Manchester City Council on future plans to repair and restore the hall to its former glory so that we can once again reopen it to the public.
This is a much-loved iconic building in Wythenshawe and as we expected the public response has been overwhelming. The Friends Group would like to thank everyone for their messages of support during this very emotional time.
Although we are devastated by these events the good news is that the building is still standing and it will not deter the group from putting on our planned future activities. Albeit that these won't be in the hall itself but in the grounds. We will provide all updates on our events on our website
There are many well-wishers from near and far who want to donate money and the Friends of Wythenshawe Hall would greatly appreciate any donation to help us get back up and running and restore this iconic Wythenshawe building for all to see.
Thank you,
Paul Selby, Vice chairman of the Friends of Wythenshawe Hall”
For further information and to donate, visit: