Over 55s Positivity and wellbeing group

Depression and low mood affects many of us at some point in our life. It can lead to feeling down and low in our self, getting little or no pleasure out of life, no energy or motivation, poor concentration, having negative thoughts, not knowing what to do and feeling isolated, trapped and stuck. The Positivity and Wellbeing group is here to help.

Over ten weeks this group will help you understand:
• that low mood and depression is not your fault
• how to get yourself going again
• how to take better care of yourself
• how to get out of your head and into your life
• how to think differently and do things differently

How does the group work?
• The group sessions runs for 10 consecutive weeks
• Each session lasts 2 hours with a comfort break in between and where light refreshments are available
• There is no pressure on anyone to talk – the group is a safe place for you to learn about depression and low mood and how to free yourself from it

The next course is on: Wednesday 15 June, 1pm-3pm, for 10 weeks (some breaks in between), at: Gaskell House Psychotherapy Services, Swinton Grove, Manchester, M13 0EU.

For further information and to book a place, contact Karen Buckley on 0161 861 2236, or Pete Ireland on 0161 833 3944.