Welfare Benefits Advisers volunteers wanted at Greater Manchester Law Centre

There are only 2 law centres in Bury and Rochdale, with the rest of Greater Manchester (and its 2.7 million people) effectively being a ‘law centre-free zone’. In addition to the increased number of people representing themselves, a recent report by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission citing the disproportionate effect of the legal aid reforms and law centre closures on women, disabled people and BME communities, the demand for a new law centre is clear. Quite simply, no representation means no access to justice.

In 2015, legal aid lawyers, trade unionists and advice organisations came together to set up a community law centre for Greater Manchester. The centre intends to provide access to high-quality, free legal advice and representation for people in Greater Manchester and to empower people to use their voices to campaign for change.

Volunteers will be the backbone of this law centre.

Greater Manchester Law Centre are wanting to launch a pilot scheme that delivers advice and representation in welfare benefits and are looking for volunteer advisers and lawyers to help deliver these services.

If you are:
• an experienced welfare benefits adviser or lawyer
• able to volunteer a few hours each week
• eager to be involved at the start of an exciting new project, then Greater Manchester Law Centre would love to hear from you

To apply email a CV with details of your experience in welfare benefits advice and representation to: [email protected] by Sunday 19 June 2016, 6pm.
